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Welcome to the blog of two integrity four!
Hai Sing Catholic School'2007
Twenty-one boys,
nineteen girls

Form/English Teacher:
Mrs Adris
Co-form/Chinese Teacher:
Miss Joyce Chan
Miss Khoo Wee Wee
Science Teachers:
Ms Mariana(Chemistry)
Mrs Elene Wan (Biology)
Mr Yap Chee Hoo(Physics)
Literature Teacher:
Mrs Sally Tang
History Teacher:
Miss Juliene Leung
Geography Teacher:
Mrs Josephine Cheong
Home Economics Teacher:
Mrs Choo, Miss Rafidah
Art Teacher:
Miss Sarah Toh
IPW Mentors:
Miss Juliana Lee, Mrs Adris

01. Carmen Lim Li Ting [Library] -NIL-
02. Chua Yuen Man Kristin [SJAB] 3E5
03. Cheong Boon Fang [Band] 3E5
04. Cheryl Ong Kai Wen [Volleyball] 3E2
05. Cheryl Wong Hui Yi [CCA-less] 3E5
06. Inez Lim Jie [Band] 3E5
07. Lee Pei Xin Jasmine [Robotics] 3E4
08. Lew Shuan Ee Esther [Library] 3E5
09. Lim Wai Cheng [ELDDS] 3E4
10. Nai Yiling Odelia [ELDDS] 3E6
11. Nur Ain Bte Othman [Media Club] 3E3
12. Pauline Yap Wei Yun [Band] 3E3
13. Phua Wei Shi Victoria [Girl Guides] 3E1
14. Seah Shu Yi Samantha [Choir] 3E3
15. Siti Nur Hawa [Media Club] 3E1
16. Tan Hui Min [Volleyball] 3E2
17. Tan Yi Jin [Badminton] 3E2
18. Tatiana Tan Su Lin Rahmat [Badminton] 3E5
19. Tian Jing Ling [Robotics] 3E5
20. Alan Tan Wei Quan [NCC] 3E6
21. Bryan Chan Wei Jie [Volleyball] 3E6
22. Eccles Tan Xian Hao [NPCC] 3E5
23. Everard Choo Kwee Meng [Choir] 3E3
24. Goh Jun Wei [SJAB] 3E3
25. Heng Yeow Teng [Robotics] 3E3
26. Gabriel Lek Chang Fa [Archery] 3E1
27. Leo Adriel [Golf] 3E3
28. Mark Lim Jian Wei [ELDDS] 3E5
29. Mak Kar Kit [Badminton] 3E4
30. Marvyn Wu ZhaoZhi [Band] 3E3
31. Randall Loke Han Jun [Archery] 3E6
32. Sng Wei Shin [Band] 3E3
33. Sng Ye Min [Taekwondo] 3E3
34. Tan SiHan [Golf] 3E2
35. Tan Yi Zhi [Badminton] 3E6
36. Tan Yu Ke Sydney [Badminton] 3E2
37. Teo Hong Hwee [Volleyball] 3E6
38. Teo Ren Yi [NPCC] 3E1
39. Wong Kah Hing Dominic [NCC] 3E3
40. Zulkhairee B Sulaiman [NCC] 3E5

Goh Jun Wei
Victoria Phua Wei Shi
Teo Hong Hwee
Tan Sihan

2E3'07 :D

April 2006[x]
May 2006[x]
June 2006[x]
July 2006[x]
August 2006[x]
September 2006[x]
October 2006[x]
November 2006[x]
December 2006[x]
January 2007[x]
February 2007[x]
March 2007[x]
April 2007[x]
May 2007[x]
June 2007[x]
July 2007[x]
August 2007[x]
September 2007[x]
October 2007[x]
November 2007[x]
December 2007[x]
February 2008[x]
June 2008[x]

Monday, June 02, 2008

So many months, yet no one uploaded. Stupid streaming. None of this would have happened if not for STREAMING. asswipe.

I miss 2E4 so much..I miss the dirty classroom. I miss how we can just SHOUT in class, then laugh with joyce(heh heh),make fun of randall's "i was so sad when u asked for a break", yeow teng's "YOU WANT TO SAY STH U SAY IT IN FRONT O MY FACE! SAY IT IN FRONT OF MY FACE!", cheryl's act cute voice, mark's WUSHU! which makes him cool and obviously, MLJB :] i still miss that time all of us were on the bus and weishin n me saying "ML!" and some other ppl will shout "JB!" at the back. i also miss weishin's stupid questions (literally)


and yes, to my greatest, deepest regret, i'm now a quiet person in school. sec 3 life sucks yea?


To remember the great time we had in 2e4, I am now calling for a


jasmine wants to go Mind Cafe or watev
I want all of us to go for a BUFFET! :D
anymore suggestions? BBQ chalet etc?

do voice out at the tagboard. other than spammers, i really wish to see the normal 2e4 ppl talking at the tagboard again.

#34 Tan Sihan

-and i will miss this class forever. the people,the classroom,the teachers,the memories.We are the most(yes, i am very sure) united class for secondary 2 of year 2007.

and i hope the bond do last. really.

and just FYI, my current class sucks. its totally opposite of 2e4 man. not bonded at all. at all.

so please, can we have the last gathering at somewhere? I'm really hoping and looking forward to it.

Thank you.

We're a part, not apart!
12:50 AM

Monday, February 04, 2008
>>I miss 2E4

Omg man, I miss miss miss 2E4 like craps hell loads!

I still miss 2E4ever '07!
Life is so damn different without you guys!

I miss Kar Kit's lame antics and efforts to make us giggle...
I miss Wai Cheng and Jasmine's silly laughter...
I miss Cheryl's LOUD voice.
I miss Sihan's chirping.
I won't miss Wei Shin's monkeying 'cause he's in my class...
I won't miss Ye Min and Dominic the greatest lamers in the World 'cause they're still in my class.
I miss silly Carmen.
I miss Sydney that old stoney noob 'cause the way he stones is amusing.
I miss Eccles because he's a hardcore gay.
I miss Mrs Adris' "Today's a blessed Friday~".
I miss the times we had counting down to the bell,the times we had throwing bottles from the 4th storey to the field just because Wei Shin the ape is at the field.
I miss how we teased Ms Joyce Chan about the "MOE" thing.
I miss guffawing with Sihan because of KWW.
I missed Yi Zhi 'cause he's so short that he couldn't be seen.
I miss how we hide each other's shoe in the classroom, shoe hunting.
I miss how the guys put up pictures of gorgeous starlets behind the World Map to have a look at it when they're horny.
I miss how we catch frogs toegther.
I miss how we lunch together at White Sands almost everyday.
I miss how we covered up for each other when someone forgot to switch on silent mode and his/her phone rings.
I miss my blue table and blue chair.
I miss my beautiful classroom.

I especially missed the last day of Sec 1, we got so enthusiastic and left little notes for the new batch of soon-to-be juniors then....

"Dearest 1E4 of year 2007, have a fun stay at this classroom,with love, 2E4 2007."

And we landed up with the same classroom for Sec 2... -__________-
So the little notes were wasted.
It was soooo unexpected.

So funny plz. Our shocked reaction when we found out we're using the same old classroom!

& alot of ridiculous things we used to to...If I were to list them all out it'll take forever!

(Above extracted from my own blog.. :P)


Why is this blog so dead?
NO ONE updated during January leh... T__T

Are we still 2E4ever 2007? :(
I miss you guys like siao liao la.

I still feel so oddball-ish in my new class despite 11 people there are from 2E4ever 2007...
The feeling's not the same yah!


Hopefully you guys can help to update,
ask the password and email from me, Jasmine or Odelia. ^-^V

P.S. Spammers have no dicks! xP

Your most lovable #14,


We're a part, not apart!
10:19 PM

Thursday, December 27, 2007

omg this blog is getting so dead.

And therefore here I am to LIVEN it up!


ok, its livenedddd enough, bye! =]


We're a part, not apart!
3:39 PM

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Hi everyone this is Sihan.

I'm here to update about the CHINESE HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT.

Please go to www.asknlearn.com/secondary and upload the file.

For that assignment, there are TWO parts.

Firstly, newspaper cutting. Refer to the instructions given as you download the file document in Microsoft Words.

Secondly, the second part.

For this part, we will need the Green and White book that has all the chinese letters etc one. We have that during Sec 1.

We will have to COPY (yes, just copy directly) THREE compositions namely, 'yao qing xin', 'tou shu xin', and 'biao yang xin'. Respectively, they are invitation Letter, Complain Letter and letter Of Praise.

Copy these three compositions onto chinese foolscrap paper (the green boxes).

Copy exactly from the book <--- remember this ( including

adress, spacing, etc) and hand it in, together with your three newspaper cutting+ summary.

Bye! :D

We're a part, not apart!
9:44 PM

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

blah this blog is sooo unupdated, so I, shall update it. (Note the royalness).

er, so nth has happened to our class nowdays cause nth reallyhappened, and I feel really dumb typing this, LOL.

so er, BYE! :D

-Magistrate Tan

PLS: pls do yr homeworks! dec is coming soon and before you know it, here comes 2008!

blah, not lyk as if i'm doing anything XD

We're a part, not apart!
1:56 PM

Sunday, November 11, 2007



ok, byes (:

We're a part, not apart!
6:03 PM

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hello does anyone want to go watch movie one anot!

Movie: The Game Plan (YAY)
Date: 9 Nov 07, Friday
Venue: Not confirmed yet, but most probs Tampines Mall?

Go leh go leh go leh.
So far, me, victoria, cheng, cheryl, weishin, marvyn, zul, yizhi going!


We're a part, not apart!
8:46 PM

>>Lovely 2E4! (:

HOKEY! It's time I post up these pictures already. I've been taking super random pictures in class and most of them are probably VERY VERY old.

& I tried to find pictures of EVERY single one of you,but I don't really have alot so...
Sorry if your face isn't up here.

DISCLAIMER : Retarded pictures below! xD

Oh, and congratulations to Ren Yi,Alan and Odelia who appealed successfully!
Ren Yi - 3E1 seh! *salute*
Alan - 3E4ever
Odelia - 3E6!
Curtains are... FUN? O.O
Victoria reading her book?
Wai Cheng!

Wei Shin & Wei Shi (Victoria)?
Kar Kit.
Sihan + Pauline :D
Dominic the 'girl' with Yi Zhi behind :)
Ye Min.
Everard's not happy face?
Evidence of Hong Hwee doing house work? ._.
Eccles so gay!
Wai Cheng and jasmine fighting! Lol.
Retarded Sydney and Wei Shin! And not-retarded Pauline!
LOL. Zul,Marvyn and Mark!
Wei Shin : I'm the BEST opera singer ever! :O
Zul, with Cheryl behind I think? LOL!

I bet I'm going to miss Kar Kit's retarded antics,Eccles sick jokes,Si Han's retardedness(sometimes),Cheryl's thinking,Yeow Teng's crying, Ms Chan's nagging, Wai Cheng's laughter , Jasmine's cuteness ....
Bye 2E4'2007 D:

#14. Samantha! (:


We're a part, not apart!
5:58 PM